
Notice board

Are you looking for update and news from last year? Then you can find these here.

Special senior day in the Lievendaal in combination with a small exhibition.

On 19 October from 10am to 5pm, the Lievendaal is hosting a special senior day. We will combine this with a small exhibition.

During this day, apart from the beautiful works of our members, there will be an opportunity to see members at work and ask questions. A powerpoint about our association's activities will also be shown. Would you like to try drawing yourself to see how much fun and how relaxing it is, that too is possible during this day.

We look forward to see you!

Lecture about Gustav Klimt

On 9 November at 10am, Ingrid Gaasterland will give a special lecture on none other than Gustav Klimt.

Klimt, a master of decorative style and a pioneer within symbolism, continues to inspire artists worldwide with his expressive use of colour and bold compositions. This is a great opportunity to learn more about his life, his works and the deeper layers of his art. A lecture you definitely don't want to miss!

The cost for this lecture is €5 and can be transferred to the account of ‘met Potlood en Penseel’ IBAN account: NL34 INGB 0005 2488 54

You can register on the registration form in the studio and by e-mail info@potloodenpenseel.nl

Painting outside on location 14th september 2024

After a grey Friday with rain, this Saturday morning began sunny. We started the day with coffee and delicious pastries after which everyone went to find a place in the garden. The flower garden and orchard were immediately chosen spots. Some participants took photos first.

Gradually the temperature became warmer and the jackets the jackets could be taken off. At the end of the day, we gathered again on the terrace to show our works to each other. Everyone commented on their own work and it was surprising to see the same tree in different materials.

The turnout could perhaps have been bigger, but those who were there worked with great enthusiasm. The location is great and so it was decided to go to "Kasteel Geldrop" again next year and again the second Saturday in September. Please mark this down in your diaries. It is very worthwhile at this time of year!


Just a report on the past Bruisweekend

Saturday was pretty quiet, every now and then there were questions, and comments about the exhibition, and flyers were taken. Dre Saanen and I were busy drawing and painting, suddenly a man came and sat down to draw, but said nothing, asked nothing, and then left again. In the afternoon, Bert van Eert took over from Dre.

Sunday was pleasant, Marij Hessels and Marij Wijnands sat drawing and painting continuously, Irma was busy with children who also wanted to draw. Aty also came to have a look, all in all it was a successful and pleasant weekend.

We were also interviewed by the Eindhovens Dagblad, and this article can now be read online, and in the newspaper, CKE is buzzing with music and dance, especially the piece, painting is good for your brain, this is a great advertisement for our association.

The exhibition and presentation remains and can be seen until Friday 2pm, you are free to walk in, the exhibition is at the back right corner near the bar.

Address: Pastoor Peterstraat 180, 5612 LW Eindhoven

Mies Berende

Exhibition by Academy Arendonk

We received a great tip that we would like to share with you. An exhibition at the Arendonk Academy in Belgium

Lecture modern art

We recently attended a four lectures in our studio on the theme of modern art. The first video image was Piet Mondrian's painting with music of "boogie woogie". This painting was acquired by the Dutch government as state property.

The transition from classical to modern art took place in the early 19th century.

The change involved the abstract depiction and omission of sophisticated imagery as you used to see with Greek and Roman mostly Biblical scenes.

Monet was an example where pointillism emerged. People painted with horizontal and vertical lines. Painting went along with certain ideas such as getting back to nature and meaning based on spirituality. The spirit of the times also played a role, with the interwar period and the two world wars still in mind.

Also among the movements that emerged afterwards such as Cobra group, Bauhuis group etc. where these practitioners of painting formed groups of friends that sometimes resulted in separation and formation of new painting groups. One has to imagine that these changing groups had great effects on an international level. They also affected other fields such as music, clothing and architecture. The strong need for change was often also a form of resistance because people wanted a better world after the long period of poverty and hopelessness.

A salient fact is that with the changes to modern art, these were brought about by the male world of painters. However, the first change came 9 years before that with a female painter, namely Hellen Klint. She became known and seen only many years after her death.

The last lecture was entirely devoted to Grayson Perry, a contemporary multi-talented British artist. A man who feels cisgender and often dresses in extravagant, picture-perfect women's clothing where humour and shocking effects are his goal. But actually, he carries many messages. On the one hand, the class differences between high and low. These are actually not big, because people are all herd animals, all of us are continuous consumers by making choices in brands where we think we stand out. But actually, this lecture taught me to look closely at modern art and discover the artists' translation and message to us. Modern art is a continuous wave of change, which involves the zeitgeist of the moment.

The lectures were given by Ingrid Gaasterland. She is an engaging lecturer who always manages to captivate the audience. She prepares well and is well-versed in the subject matter and involves the audience in her story. Discussion of the content of the presentation is also always possible.


On that day we will go to the Verbeke Foundation located beyond Antwerp, founded by art collectors

Geert and Carla Verbekelens where an impressive collection of contemporary and modern artworks awaits us . With 12 hectares of nature reserve and 20,000 square metres of covered spaces, the Foundation is one of the largest private initiatives in Europe.

We see an exceptional collection of 6,000 collages and assemblages , modern and contemporary art, which forms the core of the collection. The Verbeke Foundation strives to be a place where culture, nature, and ecology closely intertwine. Since the opening of the Verbeke foundation in 2007, the collection has been continuously expanded with contemporary artworks.

We will leave on Saturday, September 28, at 9.30am with the Van Gerwen Munckhof bus from community centre the Lievendaal. The distance to Kemzeke is 120 km. We arrive there around 11 am, also the Foundation's opening time.

After arrival, we first go to the restaurant for coffee/tea with ‘something with that’, offered by the board of Pencil & Brush. The restaurant is spacious and also has plenty of seating, as well as a covered outdoor terrace.

Afterwards, everyone can walk around at their leisure, both in the various indoor spaces as well as in spacious nature around them.

You can have lunch in the restaurant at your own expense, but it is not allowed to eat a packed lunch you brought with you in the restaurant. Especially in good weather, there is ample opportunity to eat a packed lunch in the spacious surrounding nature reserve. The restaurant has a limited menu, but from our own experience, what is served is good.

The own contribution, including the entrance fee is €32.50 . This includes the tip for the driver. Please note that the Museum Card and/or Friends Lottery card are not valid in Belgium!

Please note that gluten-free and lactose-free pastries can also be provided, provided this is clearly indicated at registration.

Guests are welcome, first come, first served !

Are you interested in joining us? Then sign up before 31 May via the list on the notice board in our Atelier, or by e-mail:

info@potloodenpenseel.nl , and transfer the amount of €32.50 at the same time to account number INGB 0005 2488 54 t.n.v. Met Potlood en Penseel stating: Excursion.

Registration is final the moment the payment is received.

Around 4pm, we will then slowly start gathering again to leave for our destination Community House the Lievendaal at exactly 4.30pm

Workshop making a floating frame

Every beautiful painting made by our members deserves a nice frame. And what could be better with a homemade painting than a homemade frame. It really finishes off the work. So our activities committee is organising a " making a floating frame " workshop.

This workshop is scheduled for: Saturday 11th of May from 10.30-12.30 hrs and will be given in the studio of "with Pencil and Brush" in the Lievendaal. COSTS; € 12.- p.p.

You can register by e-mail via: info@potloodenpenseel.nl or the registration list in the studio. Registration is final once the costs have been paid. These can be transferred to account number: NL34 INGB 0005 2488 54 in the name of: Met Potlood en Penseel

Annual exhibition 27th and 28th January

On the weekend of January 27 and 28, "met Potlood en Penseel" organized its annual exhibition. During this weekend the works of our members on display. Months in advance is our activities committee is already busy with this. Which works are exhibited, from whom is which painting, what is the name of the painting, all this information is collected and written on small cards so that the next to the works can come to hang. Volunteers have to be found, hostesses who will speak to visitors, flyers made and distributed, but also: who will open the exhibition? People are also needed to place the partitions, it is a huge job every year. But don't forget the refreshments, the coffee and tea also these have to be purchased so that every guest has a nice cookie with their coffee or tea. When the weekend arrives, work begins on Friday to prepare the partitions, set up the rooms, prepare the works of art for each group and provide them with "name tags." Finally, on Saturday morning, the last partitions were put in place and the paintings could be hung so that they could be displayed to their best advantage. The log was placed in the most favorable spot and at 2 p.m. the exhibition could then be officially opened. Also this year Coen van Ham was present and he noted that the quality of the works shown, this year was even higher than last year. On Saturday we had 147 registered visitors and on Sunday there were 144. We should as an association be proud of what we have organized, of course with thanks to the volunteers and our fantastic activities committee. Would you like to see the pictures? Then click here..

General Membership Meeting Jan. 30, 2024

The board of "with Pencil and Brush" would like to alert all members to the upcoming General Membership Meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the Lievendaal. Which room is not known at this time, but will be communicated as soon as possible.

Annual exhibition 27th and 29th of January 2024

On January 27 and 28, "with Pencil & Brush" will organize their annual exhibition. The artistic qualities of our members are particularly high and it promises to be a wonderful exhibition. The start is on Saturday, January 27, at 2 p.m. and lasts until 5 p.m.. On Sunday, January 28, the works can be admired from 11 am to 5 pm. You are most welcome!


News messages from previous years

Yearly exhibition

Potlood & Penseel organizes an annual exhibition. Since 2020, the works can also be found on the website. Click on one of the year buttons below to view the exhibited works!


The magazine "De Puntenslijper"

The magazine "De Puntenslijper" has not been published since 2019, because all information provision now takes place via this website and / or e-mail.

Editions from previous years that are still available are listed below. Click on an edition to view it in PDF format.
